Little Leaps

The trials and tribulations of being a 1 (and 2 months) year old!

Welcome to my first post in the Little Leaps Linky created by Real Mum Reviews.

The Trials and Tribulations of being a 1 (and 2 months) year old!

Aoife is certainly becoming more and more aware of her surroundings and her communication and social skills are developing leaps and bounds. But along with these budding social, communication and physical skills come learning about managing feelings (meaning tantrums)!

As an Early Years Teacher, I have spent a lot of time with children aged 0 – 5 years and I did not realise children actually threw tantrums this young (unless it is just my daughter! please say I am not alone haha!) Last night, whilst attempting to tackle the nappy that Aoife did not seem to want off, we had a mega meltdown. I mean full on tears and screams. God knows what the neighbours thought.

As a parent I try to practice as much as I can the philosophy of Gentle Parenting, and now is the best time to start (as someone that struggles to be gentle to herself, I want Aoife to grow being brave enough to embrace her emotions!)

So how did I deal with this mega tantrum you ask? On the inside I was screaming and crying with my daughter. On the outside, I stayed calm, soothingly spoke to her and continued to complete the nappy change! I gave her a cuddle once she was dressed and we settled down for a night time feed (thank god for boobies! They settled her super quick!)

Aside from Aoife’s sudden development of emotions, she is continuing to say words clearer and clearer. This week whilst looking at a picture book, she said “cat” very clear. Aoife is also continuing to get braver with her cruising, she now tries to give the stairs a go!

Thank you for reading my first post as part of the Little Leaps Linky. More leaps in 2 weeks!

Siobhan x

Real Mum Reviews

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